Kamis, 22 November 2007

Programs by Government

What has Government do to the Poor?
Poverty problem isn’t happened only at Indonesia. All the worlds in this planet have the same problem. So United Nations try to solve this problem. It can be seen at millennium development goals (MDGs), first goal is reduce extreme poverty and next giving education to the poor to break the chain of poverty. What has Indonesian government do to solve this problem? There are many programs to decrease the poverty trends.
PPK (Program pengembangan kecamatan) is part of government project to reduce the increase number of poverty in rural based. This project is coordinated by regional/ local government (Pemerintah Kabupaten).
P2KP (Program penanggulangan kemiskinan di perkotaan) is part of government project to the poor at city based.
BOS (biaya operasional pendidikan) by education departments (DIKNAS). By this program hopefully, government can decline poverty problem all over Indonesia region, especially undeveloped/marginal region.

Indonesian government has done many efforts to solve this problem, but why it can be cover or reduce the increase number of the poor? Corruption may the best answer. If there are corrupt in this country we never break poverty problems. All government does like “trickle down effects” not finish breaking this circle. In general, the intended goals of these programs have not been successfully achieved. There were a number of reasons to explain these failures, but in particular the implementation mechanisms and approaches used in these programs tended to be top down, while the programs themselves tended to be uniform across the country without paying adequate attention to local socio-economic characteristics or cultural differences. (By sari)

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